Ann DuHamel

Artists in Residence Series
WOW, World of Wine | August 7 | 20h00

Pianist Ann DuHamel’s performances have been praised as poetic and “… a delight for the ears and the soul” (Encuentro Universitario Internacional de Saxofón, Mexico City). She has performed in 18 countries, including concerts at Sala Verdi in Milan, Italy; Weill Recital Hall in New York; and Trinity College in Oxford, England. Earlier this year, Ann was awarded a 2023-24 McKnight Artist Fellowship for Musicians. 

Hailed as a “forward thinking classical pianist” (Midwest Record) for her debut album Rückblick: New Piano Music Inspired by Brahms (Furious Artisans, 2020), Ann actively champions contemporary composers. Piano Magazine applauded “the depth of programming and playing” in Rückblick, admiring Ann’s “range of sound and full melodic tone,” as well as her “clear voicing and vibrant sense of color.”

Ann can be heard on the 2022 release Tyler Kline: Orchard (Neuma Records, 2022), performing six works of Kline, five of which she commissioned. Fanfare Magazine praised her performance as “alive … [played with] aching expression.”

Ann’s latest project, “Prayers for a Feverish Planet,” responds to the climate crisis with 60 new works, from composers across the globe, for piano and piano/electronics. Ann is Past President of the Minnesota Music Teachers Association, and she currently serves as Associate Professor of Music at the University of Minnesota Morris.  She is a proud graduate of the University of Iowa, earning her DMA under the tutelage of Professor Ksenia Nosikova.

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"Prayers for a Feverish Planet"

• New Music About Climate Change •

Karen Lemon—— Forgive Them Not, For They Know What They Do (2020)

Frank Horvat—— Heat Island (2017)

Laura Schwendinger —— Air, from Magic Carpet Music (2002)

Chris Williams ——Jacaranda, from Trees of India (2009)

Darío Duarte—— Stop Deforestation! (2020)

Ian Dicke —— White Parasol (2008)

David Evan Thomas—— Landscape of Shadow and Light (2012)

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